SPI Special Meeting Notice: April 26

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Tue Apr 12 20:04:47 UTC 2005

Per Article 4, Paragraph 4, of the Bylaws of Software in the Public
Interest, Inc., it is my duty to inform the membership of a special
meeting to be held Tuesday, April 26, 2005, at 19:00 UTC on
irc.oftc.net #spi.

The agenda for this special meeting consists solely of our upcoming
tax filing.  The meeting is being called so that we can ensure we are
on track for an on-time, correct, filing, and to do whatever is
necessary to make it happen.  Our filing deadline is May 15.

Any other business should be discussed in the mailing lists or wait
until the May meeting, which is tentatively scheduled at its usual
date, May 17.

Like all SPI meetings, the public will be welcome at this meeting.

The regular board member attendance policy does apply to this meeting.

-- John Goerzen
   President, Software in the Public Interest, Inc.

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