
Taral taral at
Tue Jan 7 23:21:48 UTC 2003

I nominate myself to join the bylaws committee. As a Debian member in
good standing, I am a contributing member to SPI. My prior experience
includes a review and set of proposed changes to the bylaws of my local
Austin Linux Group, as well an the associated study of the bylaws of
other organizations (RRONR recommendations, corporate bylaws, etc.). It
is my hope that my direct prior experience in this process will be

My goals for this process are two-fold. Firstly, the by-laws'
description of SPI's purpose and operation should be reviewed to ensure
that they remain in accord with its currently operation. It is entirely
conceivable that the organization's operation has deviated from its
original form in the 3 years since the bylaws were last reviewed.
Secondly, I hope to include a definition of the procedures which should
govern the meetings of SPI, as I see the current meetings as somewhat
chaotic and feel that proper rules of order can assist with this.

I am regularly online, and almost always able to respond to messages
well within 24 hours. For the few times when this is not possible, I
should be able to give ample notice.

JP Sugarbroad (a.k.a. Taral)
Debian Developer, SPI contributing member

Taral <taral at>
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"Most parents have better things to do with their time than take care of
their children." -- Me
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