#02: Recall of Board Members

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Tue Apr 1 14:36:19 UTC 2003


Do you find this proposal acceptable?

If so, I'll post a new version with Matt's typographical corrections and
we'll vote on that.

-- John

On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 04:29:27PM -0600, John Goerzen wrote:
> I have revised this proposal based on comments from David and Matt.  Here is
> the new version.
> I propose the following amendment:
> The paragraph in Article 7 beginning with "Vacancies in the Board" shall be
> removed.
> The paragraph in Article 7 beginning with "A director may be removed" shall
> be removed.
> In its place, the following shall be inserted:
>   Any Board member, including officers, may be removed from the board upon
>   the affirmative vote of 2/3 of the voting contributing membership.  No
>   individual vote or call for votes may apply to more than one person.  No
>   person may be the subject of more than one recall vote within any given
>   90-day period.
>   Subject to the above, the membership may call for a recall vote if 10
>   members publically identify themselves as supporting such a vote.  This
>   shall constitute a call for votes, and a vote among the membership shall
>   then be held immediately subject to normal voting procedures.  All
>   contributing members are eligible to vote.  A ballot shall have only two
>   options: recall the Board member, or leave the member in place.  The vote
>   is tallied with a simple count.
>   If the vote to remove the Board member passes, the member is immediately
>   removed from the Board and any position as officer.
>   The member that is the subject of a removal vote may vote on that
>   question.  The removal of a Board member does not render that person
>   un-eligible to run for re-election.
>   When a vacancy occurs on the board for any reason, whether or not a
>   result of a removal vote, if the next regular election for that particular
>   seat is 40 days or less away, the seat will be unfilled until the regular
>   election, at which point it will be filled using the regular procedures
>   laid out in this Article.  If the next regular election for the empty seat
>   is more than 40 days away, a special election will be called immediately
>   for that particular seat only.  The winner of that election will serve out
>   the balance of the term, and the seat will be subject to re-election at
>   the normal time.  
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