#04: Electronic Meetings [CALL FOR VOTES]

Taral taral at taral.net
Fri Jun 27 15:51:08 UTC 2003

On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 10:36:29AM -0500, John Goerzen wrote:
> [ chairman hat on ]
> The below bylaws amendment is up for vote among bylaws committee members.
> Committee members, please reply to this message with your vote.  Yes or no
> only, please.
> This vote will end one week from today or when three yes or three no
> votes are received, since the outcome will then be certain.

That works, since the new requirements for quorum prevent the abuses
that I can think of.

I vote FOR.

Taral <taral at taral.net>
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"Most parents have better things to do with their time than take care of
their children." -- Me
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