#04: Electronic Meetings [CALL FOR VOTES]

David Graham cdlu at railfan.ca
Fri Jun 27 16:49:47 UTC 2003

While no longer numerically necessary, I do vote in favour with

"Fair" is a highly interpretable term and may result in some debate or
confusion in the future.

David "cdlu" Graham
Guelph, Ontario
cdlu at railfan.ca

On Fri, 27 Jun 2003, John Goerzen wrote:

> [ chairman hat on ]
> The below bylaws amendment is up for vote among bylaws committee members.
> Committee members, please reply to this message with your vote.  Yes or no
> only, please.
> This vote will end one week from today or when three yes or three no
> votes are received, since the outcome will then be certain.
> This takes David's proposed text and adds the word "fair" in the last
> paragraph and a definition of participation.  If that is objectionable, vote
> NO and we'll post a new version.
> [ proposal follows ]
> This proposal is drafted as an amendment on top of the quorum issues
> amendment (#03) at
> http://lists.spi-inc.org/pipermail/spi-bylaws/2003/000199.html.
> In front of the new text added by that proposal ("There shall be no quorum
> requirement..."), add this new paragraph:
>   A meeting is any event, occasion, or discussion where at least one vote
>   is held among members of the board and sufficient members vote for that
>   vote to be considered binding.
> Append the following to the end of the paragraph approved in #03:
>   The participation requirement is met only when a given board member
>   votes or expresses a wish to abstain on a specific issue.
> And add this new paragraph after that:
>   Votes may be conducted in any fair way the Board sees fit, provided it
>   meets the above mentionned conditions.
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