Legal review of bylaws

John Goerzen jgoerzen at
Fri Apr 30 14:56:08 UTC 2004


SPI's legal counsel has reviewed our proposed bylaws changed (the "July"
proposals) and has sent us his recommendations, which I will attempt to
distill here.  We will likely need to make some small changes and then
make a new recommendation.

1. Each election for Board members should have as equal a number as
possible number of seats up for election.  That is, if we have 5 seats
up one year, we could have 6 the next, but couldn't to 9 and 2.

2. Action may be taken without a meeting only if there is unanimous
director consent.  (This would appear to apply to e-mail voting.)  There
is some confusion about whether Article V's "default method of voting"
has impact here.

3. IRC meetings are allowed, but must be conducted such that we can
ensure that all Board members are participating and thus "present".  Our
counsel mentioned that some that logs in and then leaves the computer to
watch TV may cause us to run afoul of this.

4. Article V is vague.  We need to specify exactly what the contributing
members are elegible to vote for, and how.  We have been advised that
the procedures are quite complicated given that our group doesn't meet
in person. 

-- John

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