Legal review of bylaws

John Goerzen jgoerzen at
Fri Apr 30 17:49:59 UTC 2004

On Fri, Apr 30, 2004 at 11:09:28AM -0500, Taral wrote:
> John Goerzen wrote:
> >SPI's legal counsel has reviewed our proposed bylaws changed (the "July"
> >proposals) and has sent us his recommendations, which I will attempt to
> >distill here.  We will likely need to make some small changes and then
> >make a new recommendation.
> Great news.
> >1. Each election for Board members should have as equal a number as
> >possible number of seats up for election.  That is, if we have 5 seats
> >up one year, we could have 6 the next, but couldn't to 9 and 2.
> Why?

In general, these comments are based upon New York state law, where SPI
is incorportated.  New York has a law mandating this.  "equal a number
as possible" is a direct quote from the statute.

-- John

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