"Open Source" trademark consultation

Tor Slettnes tor at slett.net
Sat Feb 27 03:58:04 UTC 1999

>>>>> "Ean" == Ean R Schuessler <ean at novare.net> writes:

    Ean> I think that getting more people involved would help raise
    Ean> confidence in taking independant action and would create more
    Ean> calories of human energy to attack these problems with.

The announced "Consultation about the Open Source trademark", posted
on Nov 24 1998, states:

    The consultation period will end at midnight at the end of the
    calendar year 1998, UTC. All consultation responses will be made
    public by SPI after the consultation period has closed, unless the
    respondent specifically requests otherwise.

Being well after new-year, I believe time has come to clean up this
mess one way or another.  It does seem like SPI can expect solid
support for its position - at least if the only other alternative is
to legally transfer the mark to OSI.


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