Resolution appointment of by-laws committee members

Manoj Srivastava srivasta at
Wed Jan 15 16:23:13 UTC 2003

>>"Branden" == Branden Robinson / SPI Treasurer <branden+spi-treasurer at> writes:

 Branden> I hereby propose the following resolution.
 Branden> Resolution:

 Branden> The By-laws Committee, as chartered in resolution 2003-01-06.wta.2 of
 Branden> Software in the Public Interest, Inc., shall comprise the following
 Branden> members:

 Branden> 	John Goerzen, chair
 Branden> 	Manoj Srivastava
 Branden> 	David Graham
 Branden> 	JP Sugarbroad
 Branden> 	Jimmy Kaplowitz

	And I thought I was pedantic and ossified.

	I hereby affirm, vote for, recognize, acknowledge, am in
 accord with, awow agreement with, ratify, approve, confirm, indorse,
 corroborate, and otherwise do what it takes tomake it come into
 being, this resolution.

 At many levels, Perl is a "diagonal" language. Larry Wall in
 <199709021854.LAA12794 at>
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta at>  <>
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