GNUstep project support

Ian Jackson ijackson at
Thu Nov 4 18:54:16 UTC 2004

Adam Fedor writes ("GNUstep project support"):
> We would like SPI to handle the acceptance and disbursement of
> donations.  Disbursement of donations would be made at the request of
> the GNUstep maintainer (me) or possibly in the future, some GNUstep
> development committee.

Here's a resolution for the meeting:

 Proposed Resolution 2004-11-04.iwj.1


 1. GNUstep is a substantial and significant Free Software project.

 2. The GNUstep developers would like SPI to take donations for
    purposes related to GNUstep.


 3. GNUstep is formally invited to become an SPI Associated Project,
    according to the SPI Framework for Associated Projects.

 4. The GNUstep Maintainer, currently Adam Fedor, will be authorised
    to represent and act for GNUstep, with respect to SPI, and to
    nominate successors.

 5. This invitation will lapse, if not accepted, on 2005-01-03.


 6. The current text of the Framework for Associated Projects is not
    available on the SPI website Resolutions section, nor are the
    minutes of the August 2004 board meeting at which the Framework
    was amended.

 7. The SPI Secretary is mandated to compile the text of the Framework
    for Associated Projects, as amended.  The SPI webmaster is
    mandated to publish the Framework on an appropriate location on
    the SPI website.

 8. When this is done, the SPI Secretary is mandated to formally
    notify the Board's invitation to Adam Fedor and the GNUstep
    project, with reference to the Framework.


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