GNUstep project support problem

John Goerzen jgoerzen at
Mon Nov 8 15:49:52 UTC 2004

On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 10:37:43AM -0500, David Graham - SPI Secretary wrote:
> I'm with Ian on this in that I see no problem in GNUstep being part of
> both FSF and SPI. The two organisations are not working against eachother
> and there should be no trouble caused by such a relationship.

You're right about that, but I also think that, if it's OK with GNUstep,
to put this on hold for a month so we can amicably discuss it with the
FSF, and give the Gnustep folks a chance to hash out what exactly the
FSF's stipulations are and what impact it may have on them.  I don't
have a problem with Gnustep being a SPI project now and leaving later
if/when FSF gets set up, but if FSF is very close to having what they
need, and their preference is FSF, might as well figure out what is
going on there.

> > There is some risk of upsetting the FSF, I suppose.  How much of a
> > hurry are you in ?  If you are willing to wait another month it might
> > be worthwhile taking that time for us to talk to the FSF, at least so
> > that we can smooth over any ruffled features.
> I don't see any particular need to delay this on account of FSF.

Well, let's just say that they can be a little prickly sometimes.  I
think Ian is wise to suggest delaying this a bit so we can keep them in
the loop and informed about what everyone's intentions are.

-- John

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