GNUstep project support problem

Ian Jackson ijackson at
Mon Nov 8 17:01:07 UTC 2004

Ian Jackson writes ("Re: GNUstep project support problem"):
> David Graham - SPI Secretary writes ("Re: GNUstep project support problem"):
> > Ian, do you have a final copy of the resolution for voting on by any
> > chance?
> I'll write one up when we hear from Adam whether he's happy to wait.

I realised that this was silly.  We should have this resolution text
ready in any case.  Note, though, that if Adam is happy to defer until
we've talked to the FSF I would prefer to do that.

 Proposed Resolution 2004-11-08.iwj.1


 1. GNUstep is a substantial and significant Free Software project.

 2. The GNUstep developers would like SPI to take donations for
    purposes related to GNUstep.


 3. GNUstep is formally invited to become an SPI Associated Project,
    according to the SPI Framework for Associated Projects,
    SPI Resolution 1998-11-16.iwj.1-amended-2004-08-10.iwj.1,
    a copy of which can be found at

 4. The GNUstep maintainer, Adam Fedor, is recognised by SPI as the
    current authoritative decisionmaker in the GNUstep project.

 5. This invitation will lapse, if not accepted, 60 days after it
    is approved by the SPI Board.


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