Efficient board meetings, revised

Ian Jackson ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Sat Oct 16 23:53:09 UTC 2004

Bruce Perens writes ("Re: Efficient board meetings, revised"):
> Are you sure it's broken?

Well, currently the official position as approved by the board is
2003-09-09.iwj.1, which has much of the same content as my proposed
new resolution.  There are four things wrong with the status quo that
I'm trying to help fix with my new resolution:

* Things are being put on the agenda of meetings at very short notice,
so that there isn't time to consider/discuss them properly.  The
current `Efficient Board Meetings' merely says `there ought to have
been at least a week or so for discussion by email' which I think
needs strengthening so that we _actually_ get that week of discussion.

* Some people, myself included, aren't participating enough on the
email lists in between meetings.  I'm trying to set new expectations
with my new resolution.  (And of course I'll try to meet those
expectations myself.)

* The currently standing board decision in 2003-09-09.iwj.1 is not
being followed.  Several times recently items have made it onto the
agenda of board meetings that have _not_ been accompanied by a
suitable resolution.  Reports are being made in an ad-hoc
while-we-wait way.  I want the current board to reaffirm that this
isn't what's supposed to be happening.

* Some board members disagree with 2003-09-09.iwj.1 and are raising
this at meetings when I try to get people to do as it says.  I think
the right way to clear the air is to vote to reaffirm, or abolish, the
Efficient Board Meetings resolution.  That way we can get on with the
meetings rather than argue acrimoniously about procedure.

Of course we'll all agree that there are other things wrong with the
status quo, but to misquote RMS, this resolution doesn't try to solve
/all/ of the world's problems :-).


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