regrets for today's meeting

Branden Robinson branden at
Tue Sep 20 16:06:09 UTC 2005

SPI Board and members,

I must issue regrets for my expected non-attendance at today's board
meeting; I'm taking my wife to a doctor's appointment at 1300 UTC-0500
(routine post-surgical followup -- those of you who've been following her
ordeal this year have no need to worry).  It's in downtown Indianapolis so
I don't expect to be online again before 1530 or so my time, and there's no
public wireless at the building.

I gather Jimmy also sent his regrets.  There is therefore a risk that we
may be inquorate (if we have one or more no-shows).  If that is the case, I
am available next week at the same time; 1900 and 2000 UTC are both fine
for me.  Between now and then is bad because I'll be traveling to and from
Oldenburg.  I also don't mind if you are quorate but want to reschedule
anyway when both Jimmy and I can be present.

If the option is discussed, I would rather have a "makeup meeting" for
today than wait until our October monthly meeting.

Thanks for your understanding.

G. Branden Robinson, Deputy Treasurer
Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
branden at
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