Changes to the mailinglist setup

Joerg Jaspert joerg at
Sun Oct 22 01:14:18 UTC 2006

On 10815 March 1977, John Goerzen wrote:

>> [1] with automated whitelisting after you got 5 mails sent in
>> [2] not done during smtp time. We accept mail but kill silently if it
>>     has a spamassassin score above 10 or is a virus
>> [3] [bogusmx|dsn],,
>>, ie. the more sane ones
> Thanks for the helpful information.  I'll be testing this on my own
> server.

> Quick question: says that it was discontinued in May,
> and I couldn't find  Do you have any further info on
> those?

Both dead, yeah. I could go and check what I use, again. Luckily it
doesnt hurt[1] (and that makes one a bit lazy). :)

[1] except you are dumb and use spamcop, that always hurts. :)

bye Joerg
> But i don't think that we talk a lot, as far as i can see, you live in
> the USA.
Australia. Only minor details like timezone and hemisphere but pretty
much the same. TZ is UTC+10 

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