Changes to the mailinglist setup

Joerg Jaspert joerg at
Tue Oct 24 18:54:18 UTC 2006

On 10817 March 1977, MJ Ray wrote:

>> > We return 550 during the SMTP conversation.  If this was something
>> > from a real human, they'd be contacting us another way.
>> Right.  I believe this way of measuring false positives is inaccurate,
>> as I know some users will just curse and conclude that if the system
>> refuse to accept the email, they will just ignore the user [...]
> Where "some users" includes SPI Deputy Treasurer Branden Robinson who 
> used to note it on
> says "I
> find blacklisting based on originating IP, when that IP is  not a
> known source of spam, to be unethical and discourteous."
> rfc-ignorant, dsbl and securitysage look like they can list non-sources, 
> but this is a more general ethic, as spotting false positives is hard.

IIRC he had problems with idiots blocking IPs that are assigned to
DialUp users. SPI doesnt do that crap.

bye Joerg
<liw> I'm a blabbermouth

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