Election results

Andrew Sullivan ajs at crankycanuck.ca
Tue Aug 7 17:57:50 UTC 2007

On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 02:51:24PM +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
> Anyway, should/how could we try to fix this proportionality failure?

I don't believe Condorcet of any stripe is intended to fix the
proportionality you seem to be interested in.  My dim recollection of
Condorcet, from the days when I studied voting systems > 10 years ago,
was that it was intended to solve the problem where some (largish)
percentage of voters have _none_ of their preferences reflected.  The
idea here is that voters are more willing to accept their second-best
(or third- or whatever-best) choice in preference to the thing they
regard as worst.  This tends to mean that polarising choices are
always excluded, and that exclusion is regarded as a feature and not
a bug.


Andrew Sullivan  | ajs at crankycanuck.ca
Everything that happens in the world happens at some place.
		--Jane Jacobs 

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