SPI's respect for debian resolutions, was: [GR] DD should be allowed to perform binary-only uploads

Ian Jackson ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Thu Feb 15 15:02:01 UTC 2007

MJ Ray writes ("SPI's respect for debian resolutions, 	was: [GR] DD should be allowed to perform binary-only uploads"):
> Given that SPI has a policy of not interfering in project decision-making,
> would the board please confirm at its forthcoming meeting that: SPI's
> current understanding is that the Debian Consitution defines who is
> authorised to act for the project and when; and SPI will recognise
> decisions taken according to the Debian Constitution?

As I said on debian-project(?) I obviously agree with those

If it would be helpful to Debian, I will draft a resolution in the
now-standard format describing our current understanding of our
relationship with Debian.

AJ, do you think that would be helpful ?

It wouldn't make the agenda for this Friday's board meeting.

> (This is a leading question as a result of the recent thread on
> debian-vote questioning whether SPI would respect a General Resolution.
> I would be happy for it to be considered in either the Correspondence
> Report or the debian questions item, rather than as a new item.)

I think SPI would respect a General Resolution.


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