ASL/SPI partnership

MJ Ray mjr at
Wed Jan 24 11:17:53 UTC 2007

After discussions with Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) some months
ago, I believe that moving money for free software projects in/out of
Brazil is rather awkward.  There is Associação which
is a non-profit civil association which helped debian for debconf 4.

So, an ASL-SPI partnership similar to the ffis-SPI one in theory seems
a good idea to me.  I ask the next board meeting to state what the
requirements and process are for new SPI partnerships, whether they
are interested in partners in any particular countries and to contact
faw about an ASL-SPI partnership (address in headers).

About debconf 4: what has happened to the US$ 19k+ invested from
?  I don't remember seeing it on any SPI treasurer reports.

I cc the secretary on this request so that it should be included in
his report to the next meeting, any road up.

MJ Ray - see/vidu
Somerset, England. Work/Laborejo:
IRC/Jabber/SIP: on request/peteble.

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