Inviting questions from SPI

Joshua D. Drake jd at
Thu Jul 12 15:47:41 UTC 2007

MJ Ray wrote:
> "Joshua D. Drake" <jd at> wrote:
>> I am inviting anyone who has any questions to ask them.

I also copied spi-private on this because I know there are people on 
private that are not on -general.

> On the platform:
> 1. Should "associative projects" be associated projects?

Maybe, grammar has never been my strongest talent. That's why editors exist.

> 2. Can you give an example of an illegitimate talk opportunity?

That is a tough one. I wrote illegitimate because I wanted people to 
know that each talk would be considered and that it is not an open bank. 
It may not be the talk that is illegitimate but perhaps the venue.

If we have two people that want sponsorship. One is talking to Ohio 
Linux Fest, the other is keynote at FOSSDEM. I would think that assuming 
the ability to only sponsor one talk, we would sponsor the FOSSDEM talk.

The reasoning is that the FOSSDEM talk is likely to provoke a wider 
audience and possibly greater opportunities for FOSS software.

> 3. Does Command Prompt, Inc have a conflict of interest with SPI?
> (I ask mainly because I didn't see much on its web site about its
> mission or structure.)

I wouldn't believe so. Command Prompt is a for profit entity. Our 
mission is simple, provide services and support to people and companies 
using PostgreSQL.

> General questions, other candidates may answer too:
> 4. Would you vote for or against giving away SPI assets?

It would depend on the situation. I assume you are referring to I lean toward not giving away but it was 
really hard to get a solid trail of information about what exactly were 
the issues with that domain. I even read through Debian archives to try 
and figure it out.

An asset that is truly SPI property (unlike say a server that is 
PostgreSQL's but title to SPI because of the legality), should stay with 
SPI unless SPI is getting something out of it, money, or a swap in assets.

> 5. Will you abstain from votes about things not mentioned in your
> platform?

No, I think that would be silly. Just because it isn't in my platform 
doesn't mean I don't have an opinion. I would however abstain from votes 
that I did not feel I had enough information to make what I deemed a 
good decision.


Joshua D. Drake

> Thanks,


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