Draft resolution formalising Debian's Associated Project status

Josip Rodin joy at entuzijast.net
Sun Mar 11 23:25:30 UTC 2007

On Sun, Mar 11, 2007 at 02:20:41PM -0700, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> >I really don't think that MJ and Ian realize how opaque and chaotic Debian 
> >politics are to outsiders.
> I would second that. When I researched the OpenSource.Org domain issue, 
> I was stunned at how convoluted and emotional everything was. Debian has 
> really appears to have grown (at least from an outsider view) into a 
> very political self spinning organization.

I'd like to respond to that, but I really don't understand what you mean by
'political self spinning organization'? A political organization that
spins on its own? WTF? :)

Regarding Debian vs. OSI in general, it's an inevitably strange relationship
because of the simple fact that a closed organization forked a foundation
document of an open project. Like in that other thread - we don't like to
leave things as a matter of faith, let alone to a closed group. Sure, it's
reasonably easy to believe that OSI will do no harm, but us technical types
aren't inclined to like such uncertainty.

Which is amusing - this apparently became "opaque and chaotic" as described
above, and that's the very thing that we would like to have avoided...

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