Draft resolution formalising Debian's Associated Project status

Jimmy Kaplowitz jimmy at spi-inc.org
Fri Mar 16 19:48:41 UTC 2007

On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 07:08:22PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Jimmy, would you write up a draft resolution with that paragraph 5 as
> you last wrote it ?

Here is the latest draft agreed upon by Ian and me in this thread, which I
hereby propose for today's meeting:

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Formally recording Debian's status as an Associated Project

   1. Debian is a substantial and significant Free Software project;
   2. SPI and Debian regard Debian as an SPI Associated Project; however
   3. The detailed terms of the Association have not been formally stated by the SPI Board in the manner now customary.

The SPI Board Declares That;

   1. Debian is already an SPI Associated Project, according to the SPI
   Framework for Associated Projects, SPI Resolution
   1998-11-16.iwj.1-amended-2004-08-10.iwj.1, a copy of which can be
   found at

   2. The Debian Constitution
   (http://www.debian.org/devel/constitution), and the persons holding
   the roles it defines and acting according to that Constitution, are
   recognised by SPI as ultimately authoritative regarding decisions of
   the Debian Project.

   3. The SPI Board does not intend to monitor the Debian mailing lists.
   The Board will recognise decisions, statements, and delegations made by
   the Debian Project Leader, currently Anthony Towns, as made on behalf of
   Debian, except to the extent this assumption is contradicted by
   information to the SPI Board by the Debian Project Secretary in
   accordance with paragraph 4.
   4. The Board specifically asks that the Debian Project Secretary inform
   the SPI Board of any Debian General Resolutions which might be relevant
   to SPI, including any proposals to put spending on hold, as well as any
   dispute or change regarding the identity or authority of the Debian
   Project Leader.
   5. The Board relies on Debian Developers and others to ensure that the
   Board is made aware of Debian decisions relevant to SPI that are not
   communicated to the Board in a timely manner by the Debian Project
   Leader or the Debian Project Secretary; of disagreement among Debian
   developers regarding the identity of the Debian Project Leader or the
   Debian Project Secretary; and of disagreement among Debian developers as
   to the authority held by either of those two Debian officials, but only
   insofar as this authority is relevant to SPI. The Board requests that
   those who notify it of decisions or disagreements in accordance with
   this paragraph take reasonable efforts to look for prior notifications
   to the Board on the same topic, and that the Board not be notified again
   if the new notification would be substantially the same as a previous

   6. The Debian Constitution in 5.1(10) gives the Project Leader the
   primary responsibility to decide on the proper uses of assets held in
   trust by SPI for Debian purposes.
	  Notwithstanding this, for the avoidance of any doubt, the SPI
	  Board and Treasurer cannot and will not delegate their judgement
	  as to whether a proposed use of assets meets SPI's charitable
	  purposes. As recognised by the Debian Constitution in 9.2(1), SPI
	  must make that decision, itself ensuring SPI's funds are used

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- Jimmy Kaplowitz
jimmy at spi-inc.org

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