Meeting agenda robot

Ian Jackson ijackson at
Mon Dec 29 11:33:02 UTC 2008

Joerg Jaspert writes ("Re: Meeting agenda robot"):
> Perl, Python or Ruby should all be ok. No Java please.

Yes.  I started with Perl but I had too bad a cold and couldn't
comprehend simple manpages.  I'll try again when I'm feeling better

> > Do we already have an https server and user management system that I
> > can piggyback on for the `board members' part ?
> https is no problem, even if our main website currently doesn't have
> it. We just put one up where we need it. User management - yes we do.
> But I'm not sure one wants to use it. And not just have an own file that
> basically goes like (yaml format here)

Well, we just need to distinguish people authorised to explicitly edit
the meeting details from people who aren't.  So the membership
database isn't really relevant.

> As you, for your email reading, sure want to have the ability to detect/sort
> based on sender address too, and for that you want multiple
> email addresses. Or do you want to force people to always just use one?

No, I was just going to ignore the sending email address (well, apart
from displaying it).  I don't think we need to worry about attacks
from unauthorised agenda-setters.

> If this gets anything near stable code this should, of course, end up on
> an SPI machine. Maybe even the test instance. Let see me during
> Christmas holidays where we put that.


> For the website, do not assume we stay with Plone much longer. Currently
> you can assume we are switching to ikiwiki and have the storage in
> git. So thats where you want to base your code on, but that should be a
> few $VCS add/comit/push commands only.

I think being able to serve static pages and a simple standalone CGI
program will suffice.


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