Treasurer's Report as of 2013-04-30

Michael Schultheiss schultmc at
Thu May 9 02:56:04 UTC 2013

This report uses a cash-based method of accounting, recording donations
when deposited (not when the check was written or received by us) and
recording expenses when sent or scheduled for payment (not when

Income Statement
for the Period April 01, 2013 - April 30, 2013

   Ordinary Income                     1,000.00
        Arch Linux                         470.80
        DebConf 13                      12,907.84
        Debian                          11,861.79
        Drizzle                          4,500.00
        FFmpeg                             110.00                    100.00
        FreedomBox Foundation            4,000.00
        Haskell                          5,368.60
        Jenkins                             90.00
        LibreOffice                     34,750.40
        Open Bioinformatics Foundation  37,447.31
        OpenWrt                             52.00
        PostgreSQL                       2,681.97
        Privoxy                            100.00
        SPI General                        320.00
        SPI 5%                             383.87
        TideSDK                            166.00
        Tux4Kids                         2,488.65

        Total Ordinary Income          118,799.23

   Interest Income
        Key Business Platinum MM Savings     0.59
        Chase BusinessClassic Checking       0.10
        Chase Bus Select High Yield Savings 36.51

        Total Interest Income               37.10

   Gross Income                        118,836.33

  Ordinary Expenses

        Arch Linux
          Processing Fees            25.48
          SPI 5%                     23.54

          Total Arch Linux Exp       49.02

        DebConf 13
          Processing Fees             0.52

          Total DC13 Exp              0.52

          Debit Card Fee              3.00
          Hardware Warranty         882.18
          Processing Fees            41.72
          SPI 5%                    117.39

          Total Debian Exp        1,044.29

          Processing Fees             3.39
          SPI 5%                      5.50

          Total FFmpeg Exp            8.89
          Server Maintenance        547.50
          SPI 5%                      5.00

          Total fd.o Exp            552.50

        FreedomBox Foundation
          SPI 5%                    200.00

          Total FreedomBox Exp      200.00

          Hosting Fees               54.29

          Total Haskell Exp          54.29

          Processing Fees            4.83
          SPI 5%                     4.50

          Total Jenkins Exp          9.33

          Bugzilla work           6,655.50
          Processing Fees            23.73
          SPI 5%                      8.50
          Travel Reimbursement    3,957.19

          Total LibreOffice Exp  10,644.92

        Open Bioinformatics Foundation
          Processing Fees             2.78
          SPI 5%                      3.04

          Total OBF Exp               5.82
          SPI 5%                      2.60

          Total OpenWrt Exp           2.60

          Processing Fees             0.58
          SPI 5%                      0.50

          Total PostgreSQL Exp        1.08

          SPI 5%                      5.00

          Total Privoxy Exp           5.00

          Office Supplies            53.51
          PaySimple Monthly Fee      29.95
          Transaction Fees           32.86

          Total SPI Exp             116.32

        The HeliOS Project
          Expense Reimbursement     747.02

          Total HeliOS Exp          747.02

         Processing Fees              6.54
         SPI 5%                       8.30

         Total TideSDK Exp           14.84

        Total Expenses           13,456.44

        Net Income              105,379.89

Balance Sheet as of April 30, 2013

     Current Assets
        Chase BusinessClassic Checking with Interest      12,718.67
        Chase Business Select High Yield Savings         208,598.48
        KeyBank Basic Business Checking                    1,078.73
        Key Business Reward Checking                     156,843.88
        Key Business Platinum Money Market Savings        36,033.75
        Key Express Checking                               5,000.76
        Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct                         13,406.15
        Debian Debit Card                                    272.00

     Total Current Assets                                433,952.42

   TOTAL ASSETS                                          433,952.42


     General and current liabilities                           0.00

        Reserves held in trust
           0 A.D. Earmark                        39.83
           aptosid Earmark                      181.06
           Arch Linux Earmark                 9,895.40
           Debian Earmark                   100,677.75
           DebConf 13 Earmark                34,431.36
           Drizzle                            4,306.80
           FFmpeg                               980.87
           Fluxbox                              995.00
  Earmark           20,549.86
           FreedomBox Foundation Earmark     24,418.33
           Gallery Earmark                    8,095.58
           GNU TeXmacs Earmark                  272.22
           Haskell Earmark                   16,179.88
           Jenkins Earmark                    9,904.06
           LibreOffice Earmark               52,875.67
  Earmark        1,494.90
           OpenVAS                               47.18
           OpenWrt                            2,841.94
           Open Bioinformatics Earmark       37,441.49
           Open Voting Foundation Earmark       154.21
           OSUNIX                                 1.12
           Path64                                 9.87
           Plan 9 Earmark                     6,500.00
           PostgreSQL Earmark                22,964.79
           Privoxy Earmark                      793.15
           The HeliOS Project Earmark             0.00
           TideSDK Earmark                      426.81
           Tux4Kids Earmark                  16,277.50
           YafaRay Earmark                    4,883.13

        Total held in trust                              378,639.76

        General reserves                                  55,312.66

     Total Equity                                        433,952.42

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                            433.952.42

Michael Schultheiss
E-mail: schultmc at
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