SPI resolution 2014-03-20.rtb.1 - Chakra as an associated project

Ian Jackson ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Wed Apr 2 19:38:48 UTC 2014

Robert Brockway writes ("SPI resolution 2014-03-20.rtb.1 - Chakra as an associated project"):
> The resolution below is submitted to the membership for discussion.  I 
> believe that Chakra fulfils the requirements for acceptance as an 
> associated project.

I think that when an associated project is first mooted, the proposer
should tell us (the membership) some basic information, references,

I went to Wikipedia, and I assume that this is the Linux distro
("formerly based on Arch" says WP) rather than the proprietary
javascript interpreter.

http://chakraos.org/home/ AFAICT.


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