SPI resolution 2016.05.05.bg.1: NTPsec as associated project

Mark Atwood me at mark.atwood.name
Wed May 11 03:34:48 UTC 2016

On Tue, May 10, 2016, at 14:13, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
> I would like to see something like the following added to the resolution:
> 6. In the event that the NTPsec project dissolves without defining what
>    SPI shall do with the managed assets or the NTPsec project becomes
>    provable uncontactable for SPI, the board reserves the right to assign
>    those assets to it's general fund.
> That maybe needs a bit of rewording as i am not a native english
> speaker, but i hope everyone gets what i mean here.
> The smae paragraph should IMHO be added to all the other 4 resolutions
> we tend to vote on in two days.

As the NTPsec contact, I have no objection to that.


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