Issue #5 - Please explain the topic of each mailing list

Joshua D. Drake jd at
Mon Oct 10 17:08:45 UTC 2016

On 10/10/2016 01:57 AM, Peter Cock wrote:

>>> Anything that is confidential. For example, a potential legal issue.
>> Why would a potential legal issue be confidential?
> I would have thought legal issues should be private by default.
> e.g. Project X has noticed company Y appears to be using their
> software in breach of license and wants advice and legal assistance.
> Going public with allegations might be good strategy, but personally
> I would want to discuss this situation with lawyers privately first.
> As an example of a legal issue which could be public, I asked
> on behalf of Biopython (part of the Open Bioinformatics Foundation
> umbrella) about *getting* legal advice on changing our open source
> licence. SPI referred us to the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC).

Right so there are many types of legal issues. The one you bring up is 
fine to be public. However there are others that are not.



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