[RESULT] Replace the bylaws of Software in the Public Interest

Bdale Garbee bdale at gag.com
Mon Apr 15 17:47:48 UTC 2019

Hilmar Lapp <hlapp at drycafe.net> writes:

> Perhaps it would be better to divide the proposed changes into two
> steps. The first would be to _only_ alter the section on bylaws
> amendments to establish a more reasonable (i.e., realistically
> attainable) quorum.

That's not a bad idea, but honestly, given the outcome of the recent
vote, I too believe that just calling for the same vote again with the
call for votes making it VERY clear that there are significant quorum
issues with the existing bylaws that make it very important that
EVERYONE take time to vote, would likely yield the desired outcome in
one step.

Further, I note that most public corporations when calling for
stockholder votes express the desire of the board on each question.
Something similar, in which the call for votes explicitly expresses the
desire of the board that anyone who is ambivalent about or just feels
they don't have time to research the issues please vote in favor of the
bylaws change would seem completely appropriate to me here.

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