Minutes for December 17 board meeting

Wichert Akkerman secretary at spi-inc.org
Fri Jan 3 00:54:28 UTC 2003

SPI board meeting, December 17th, 2002
    Meeting opened: Tue Dec 17 20:02:00 UTC 2002
    Meeting closed: Tue Dec 17 21:00:00 UTC 2002

    Wichert Akkerman (presiding)
    Ian Jackson
    Branden Robinson
    Drew Streib
    Ean Schuessler
    SPI contributing members

    Nils Lohner

Absent with regrets:
    Manoj Srivastava
    Martin `Joey' Schulze

    1. Discussion of current SPI board status and possible improvements
    2. Reports
    3. Committee on bylaw changes
    4. Scheduling of next meeting

Recorder: Wichert Akkerman

1. Discussion of current SPI board status and possible improvements

Wichert made an opening statement, paraphrased:

    "There is no denying the board has not been functioning optimally
    recently.  We're not looking for a quick fix, such as resolutions to
    change quorum. What we need is people on the board who are good at
    organising things, as well as being very motivated. That may not be people
    who are good hackers - we should not limit our choices to those who have
    technical ability. Most importantly, I feel that it has been a problem
    that SPI has not had active leadership for a long time. Finding
    replacement board members for those inactive members, in my opinion at
    least, is a very high priority."

Branden concurred with Wichert's remarks, but adds that he is not against
quick fixes, so long as they are clearly labelled as such, and have a "sunset
clause". That is to say, Branden is open to short-term solutions so long as
any legislation passed is passed with a specific operating time frame. Branden
also stated that he is not interested in holding any position other than that
of Treasurer.

Ian concurs with Wichert's remarks.

Drew also concurs, and adds that a stable element to SPI's board is very
important, as the board is SPI's legal voice.

A contributing member, David B. Harris, asked that decisions on a leader
should also not be restricted to those who have no technical skills

A contributing Member, John Goerzen, stressed that he felt all the bylaws
should be followed in their entirety, with respect to meeting quorum and any
votes that must be held.

Drew suggested that candidates for any new board members should be required to
provide short biographies and position statements (600 words combined), and
that the board accept those self-nominations, with no seconding by a third
party required.

The following plan of action was agreed upon, through consensus:

    1) Ask Nils to step down as board president, and instead serve as Advisor
       or Emeritus
    2) Appoint a new vice president
    3) Ask for volunteers for new board members
    4) Accept those volunteers which the board agrees upon
    5) Vote for a long-term board president

The following time line for the above action plan was agreed upon, through

    o Immediately carry out 1)
    o Two weeks for 2) and 3)
    o Two weeks for 4), in order to interview any candidates, as necessary,
      and make informed decisions
    o Two months for 5), in order to allow the new board to function and allow
      the board to make in informed decision regarding its future shape

Any required resolutions for this action plan will be carried out via email votes.

2. Reports

Branden had no Treasurer's Report, but stated that there have been no
surprised in the previous few months. SPI manages approximately $40,000USD,
approximately $400USD in its own checking account, and approximately $600 in
its Debian checking account. Anthony Towns asked for a real in the next couple
of months. Branden promised to have a report for the next board meeting.

3. Committee on bylaw changes

Wichert proposed creating a five-member committee to examine any proposed
changes to the bylaws, and to propose any other changes it feels may be

Branden seconded the proposal.

Ian agreed with the proposal.

There were no objections.

Wichert will draft the proposal.

4. Scheduling of the next meeting

In accordance with Resolution 2002-06-07.wta, the next meeting will be on
January 7th, at 20:00UTC.

Wichert Akkerman <wichert at wiggy.net>           http://www.wiggy.net/
A random hacker
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