SPI resolution 2017-10-12.mzh.1: Supporting FSFE's "Public Money, Public Code" campaign

Luca Filipozzi lfilipoz at debian.org
Fri Oct 13 19:21:49 UTC 2017

Revising based on feedback.

Resolution 2017-10-12.mzh.1: Supporting FSFE's "Public Money, Public
Code" campaign


1. The FSFE has established a "Public Money, Public Code" campaign that
advocates that all software developed for the public sector using public
funds be made available under a Free and Open Source Software licence.

2. By adopting a "public code" policy, public bodies contribute
materially to the free and open software commons.


1. SPI agrees to be listed as a Supporting Organization of the "Public
Money, Public Code" campaign.

2. SPI encourages members to support this compaign by signing the Open
Letter on https://publiccode.eu/

Luca Filipozzi

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