Resolution 2009-03-16.jrk.1: OpenWRT as associated project

Jimmy Kaplowitz jimmy at
Tue Mar 17 15:56:38 UTC 2009

Hi MJ,

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 03:10:57PM +0000, MJ Ray wrote:
> "I will try to coordinate with OpenWRT in a real-time conversation to
> find out more of what they want, and will ask our lawyers any questions
> necessary to resolve the issue of whether SPI would be suitable for
> them." -- Jimmy Kaplowitz, Wed Mar 5 15:47:50 UTC 2008
> Well, my memory is famously f'd-up, yet I found that within a couple
> of minutes.  So did Jimmy Kaplowitz successfully coordinate with
> OpenWRT and ask our lawyers any questions last year?  I think that is
> probably what Josh Berkus meant.

Thanks for digging it up; that email was in a side tangent of a mostly
unrelated thread (and without OpenWRT in the subject line) more than a year ago
when their intentions to join were much much less firm than in recent months,
and with no specific legal issues identified as needing to be resolved. As it
turned out, when they sent their application to the board, they just requested
services that we already provide very commonly, such as donation receipt and
being part of a non-profit. So consulting lawyers wasn't necessary.

- Jimmy Kaplowitz
jimmy at

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