[Spi-private] Website re-implementation

MJ Ray mjr at phonecoop.coop
Fri Apr 14 06:27:04 UTC 2006

Ean Schuessler <ean at brainfood.com>
> On Thursday 13 April 2006 01:27, MJ Ray wrote:
> > I don't think the Sun-Java-only system is a good idea, BTW.
> > As far as free software is concerned, it's vapourware.
> Oops. Sent to quickly.  Here are the CVS stats for classpath (just classpath 
> mind you, not Kaffe and GCJ themselves)...

Very nice. When the infrastructure built at Brainfood *is* (not
"will be") released as free software and runs in free software,
then it won't be free vapourware any more. Clear?

> At the same time I do think it bears consideration that I build websites full 
> time for large organizations. Because of that, I may have some experience 
> that other people don't. It might be worth discussing some ideas about what 
> would be done (other than simple CMS), how it would be done and why 
> particular methods might prove more beneficial or expedient.

I agree. I think we'll find some other full-time web developers
among our number, too.  If you have time to lead the discussion,
I'm sure all would try to contribute usefully.

> Please take a look at the web sites I sent in my earlier post and take a 
> moment to respond to the talking points that have operational relevance to 
> the organization (ie. copy on write file system, financials, etc.) I know its 
> not as fun as dismissing my suggestions out-of-hand but it may prove more 
> productive.

I'd like to help build a web site, but I don't understand what
"talking points that have operational relevance" were in
Maybe because they're obfuscated by s/use/utilize/g and similar.

Those sites are all built on software that cannot run on
free software yet and (AFAICT) not one of them is a valid,
accessible web site, or of an SPI-like organisation.
Why would it be useful to consider them in detail?

I derived no fun from dismissing your free vapourware, but I
hoped to prevent some unfun (the use of free vapourware) from
happening and so finish net positive probably.

Best wishes,
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